New Mexico Unemployment Getting Worse Under Teague

Press Release

Date: Aug. 20, 2010
Location: Hobbs, NM

No Wonder Teague Refuses to Debate

According to numbers released today by the US Department of Labor, New Mexico's unemployment rate remains stalled at 8.2% in July. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

"It is no wonder Teague is refusing to debate me in front of the voters across our district. It will be hard for him to explain to the voters of Southern New Mexico how his support of the liberal job killing policies has done nothing to combat unemployment," said Steve Pearce.

In a NPR interview last month, Teague continued to demonstrate how out of touch he is as he used National Democrat talking points, "we went from losing a half million [jobs] a month to having a positive increase every month."

"New Mexico unemployment is higher than when Teague started in Congress. It's worse than a year ago, but Teague keeps ignoring the #1 problem in New Mexico--our economy. I hope Teague will immediately accept my invitation to appear together throughout the district to explain our very different approaches to job creation for New Mexican families," continued Pearce.

Pearce added, "I will not give up on creating jobs including manufacturing jobs In New Mexico. The difference remains clear. Harry Teague won't create jobs in Southern New Mexico. I will."
